Primitive Shelters - "Debris Huts"
In this workshop, come learn the basic techniques into the primitive shelter construction of a "Debris Hut". Debris Huts are one of the most basic primitive shelters known. Although basic, this particular shelter is one the warmest you can create and does not require a fire to maintain heat.
This workshop will be hands-on, and in the field, learning how to create this special shelter. We will meet in Glenwood Springs and caravan our vehicles to our location. We will be traveling on a well-maintained, dirt road to the location. 4-wheel drive is not necessary, but please be prepared for a one hour drive round-trip.
This class may run 4-5 hours, beginning at noon.
Must register by: Friday, April 6th by 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 8th
Fee: $25 per person
Class Limit: 10 Students
To register and pay, please call:
Primitive Fire Starting - "Bow-Drill"
Early man and even modern man have used this technique to start fires in the field. Many survival stories attribute their success to having the knowledge of the bow-drill in their arsenal. In most survival stories, rescued victims say "I had a lighter so I knew I would be fine", only to find out that modern resource was lost, it got wet, or ran out of fuel.
While modern methods are great, and we encourage you to use those methods as your first choice in a survival situation, having knowledge of primitive materials and tools could be a necessary back-up plan if modern methods fail.
We will be meeting in Silt and caravan our vehicles to the location.
This class may run 4-5 hours, beginning at noon.
Must register by: Friday, April 6th by 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 15th
Fee: $25 per person
Class Limit: 15 Students
To register and pay, please call:
Water Purification - "Field Filtration"
Very few things are more valuable than water in a survival situation; however, very few things are as hazardous as tainted water.
*In this workshop, learn how to safely and properly filter water for drinking.
We will meet in Rifle and caravan our vehicles to the location.
This class may run 4-5 hours, beginning at noon.
Must register by: Friday, April 20th by 5:00 p.m.
* Please note we will not be drinking water from ground resources. We will be teaching the methods of filtration using already safe, drinking, bottled water. Please also note that this method does not guarantee safe drinking water - this is ONLY as a last resort in a TRUE survival situation.